Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Academic Paper Topics

I have been racking my brains to try and find a suitable topic for my Academic Paper, it has got to have something to do with a current issue in Computing so I have been looking mainly on the BBC News Technology website.

Originally I had come up with a few ideas, such as;
  • The new Samsung Galaxy S, a look into whether or not it's functionality is in fact better than that of the iPhone 4
  • Mobile browsing - is it accessible enough for everyone?
  • The need for fluent website designs in current times, as monitor screens are constantly changing and increasing in size.
Although I am interested in all of these ideas, I thought I should probably go for something that I feel more strongly about. On the BBC News website I was reading about Facebook, and how the privacy of the User details (i.e. email addresses, phone numbers etc) are sometimes available to others without the User's knowledge. This could be a major issue in social networking and it could be argued that if used properly it is not an issue at all - however not everyone is so computer-literate so again, this could cause problems.

So for the title for my Academic Paper I would like something along the lines of; "Social Networking vs User Privacy".

I do feel quite strongly on the topic, and there is the added advantage that many articles have been written for and against this ongoing, current issue.

1 comment:

  1. Privacy issues have been at the forefront of the news this year, so a good subject there should be plenty of sources for this.
