My VARK results were;
Visual : 3
Aural : 11
Read/Write : 4
Kinaesthetic: 9
I am identified as a multi-modal learner, preferring Aural and Kinaesthetic learning techniques. According to the Vark website approximately 60% of the population fit into this category.
This outcome doesn't really surprise me as I usually attempt to learn things by either watching other people and then having a go myself, or by listening to examples of how things are done. I respond well to having one-on-one conversations or small group conversations where it is easy to concentrate and discuss subjects that I am learning about.
I also agree that reading/writing is not one of my stronger points, my vision can tend to blur and I easily lose concentration when reading paragraphs of text, which can be very off-putting. Also when writing I can lose track of my own thoughts, leaving me blank minded, confused and often a bit stressed out!
I am not sure that I would have entirely agreed with my score for visual learning as I originally thought I was quite a visual person and I like to learn how things are done by watching and listening, however upon reflection of this I realise that I can't easily visualise scenarios, words or maps etc. and I can now see that Aural and Kinaesthetic learning styles are more suited to my needs.
To help me improve my reading and writing skills I am trying to read more to build up my concentration levels and to try and get my brain used to the mental stimulation in which it has been lacking recently. I will try and read about various books/texts wherever and whenever I can to achieve this, even if it is just on the label of a water bottle.
Improving my visual learning style may not be as easy for me, as it is my concentration levels and mind set that I will have to deal with here, which has always been a bit of a problem for me. Although these problems also apply to reading and writing, unlike with them when I am visualising something I cannot refer to it in a physical form, making it difficult for my mind to lock onto it and figure it out. To try to improve this I will be doing various exercises such as trying to visualise routes on a map, and then driving to my destination from memory, and testing myself with pictures to see if I can remember so many facts (i.e. the lamp was on the left table).
That's all for my evaluation of the VARK Questionnaire, I hope it was okay!
A good in depth reflection - please could you post your learning line, then you will have passed the PDP element of the course.